Medical Education 33 2 : By keeping essay about teaching on my profession, and the subject matters that I teach, I can provide my students with the best quality education. Teacher Behavior and Class Culture Words: Length: 5 Pages Document Type: Term Paper Paper : Intervention In School and Clinic. Puzzling Over Your Essay? This calls for the training of new and many people who provide quick and efficient response to the disasters whilst saving lives, essay about teaching.
3 ‘Teaching Methods’ Issues to Address in an Essay
The following essay is one that I wrote in the Fall Semester of in ECI Introduction to Middle Grades Education, essay about teaching. ECI is the first education class that I took at NC State, so I wrote this essay about teaching I was truly beginning to learn about the education system and essay about teaching teaching profession. During the course, we were assigned to write an essay about our thoughts on what it meant to be an effective teacher, essay about teaching. I learned a lot about effective teaching from writing this essay and I will strive to be an effective teacher in the near future.
Tara Hill. ECI Effective Teaching. There are many essay about teaching, skills, and practices that can make a teacher effective. In my opinion, being an effective teacher means allowing an environment that enables students to learn in the classroom to their best abilities. When effective teaching is practiced, students develop a love for learning and gain new knowledge about what they are studying. Effective teaching can stem from many different practices and ideas such as attitude toward subject matter, implementing different learning styles into lessons, and being passionate about the subject being taught. All of these ideas can help a teacher become more effective in the classroom.
It is true that effective teaching also allows students to better understand new material and difficult content. Effective teaching takes time and effort, essay about teaching. Being a teacher means making several decisions concerning planning for instruction, developing teaching strategies, and evaluating outcomes of lesson plans. After a lesson is taught, it is crucial to make note if any changes are necessary for next time. If the lesson was successful, essay about teaching, the teacher will know to keep using that strategy in the future. One of the main steps to becoming an effective teacher is to gain intimate knowledge toward the subject matter that will be taught in the classroom Cooper, In other words, an effective teacher should be able to show that he or she is knowledgeable in the subject that is being taught.
Another way to help students in the learning process is to make the content meaningful. I believe that teaching the content in a way that students can relate to or in some way apply it into their own life will help them to understand it. Another major factor in helping a teacher become effective is attitude. I definitely believe that this statement holds true. As I think back to high school, the teachers who had the most pleasant personalities inspired me to want to learn. Their personalities made such a huge difference when teaching because it made the class so much more fun and enjoyable. I also think that attitude toward subject matter is extremely important.
Being passionate about a subject encourages and inspires others to want to learn about it. I have found that teachers who clearly demonstrate no interest in what they are teaching tend not to be effective. After all, why should the students want to learn essay about teaching material if the teacher finds it boring? Also, essay about teaching a teacher leader could even encourage other teachers to develop a good attitude, which in turn, will benefit more students. Also, having a positive outlook and being a role model for students will help with the learning process, essay about teaching. After all, attitudes are contagious! Additionally, effective teaching depends on if different learning styles are implemented into lesson plans.
It is important for a teacher to realize that not every student learns in the same way. Some students may be better visual learners while others are better at hands on activities. Incorporating different learning styles will let each student have the ability to learn in a way that comes most natural to them. Another teacher that I observed was friendly yet strict with her students. I believe that it is necessary to make sure the students know that the teacher has the authority. However, I also believe that making sure students know that they can talk to their teacher when they have a problem is important.
When I become a teacher, I essay about teaching my students to know that they have my trust and can confide in me. Encouraging student involvement is another effective teaching strategy that I noticed when observing. It appeared to me that the students were engaged in the work they were doing and also in the material they were learning. This told me that this particular teacher was indeed practicing effective teaching methods. As anyone can tell, becoming an effective teacher is not easy. It takes a lot of planning, patience, and hard work. However, no matter how much work it takes, I believe that taking these necessary steps are crucial to my success as a teacher.
Changing the lives of students, essay about teaching them with new knowledge, and giving them the materials necessary to help lead a bright future is my priority. If this means doing anything that is in my control to become an effective teacher, then I will strive to do just that, essay about teaching. Sign in Recent Site Activity Report Abuse Print Page Powered By Google Sites. Tara M. Hill's Teaching Portfolio. Search this site. About Me. Essay about teaching Knowledge. Pedagogical Knowledge. Impact on Student Learning. Leadership and Collaboration. Personal and Professional Growth. Adolescent Development. Educational Resources. Final Summative Reflection.
life person essay
I believe that it is necessary to make sure the students know that the teacher has the authority. However, I also believe that making sure students know that they can talk to their teacher when they have a problem is important. When I become a teacher, I want my students to know that they have my trust and can confide in me. Encouraging student involvement is another effective teaching strategy that I noticed when observing. It appeared to me that the students were engaged in the work they were doing and also in the material they were learning. This told me that this particular teacher was indeed practicing effective teaching methods.
As anyone can tell, becoming an effective teacher is not easy. It takes a lot of planning, patience, and hard work. However, no matter how much work it takes, I believe that taking these necessary steps are crucial to my success as a teacher. Changing the lives of students, providing them with new knowledge, and giving them the materials necessary to help lead a bright future is my priority. If this means doing anything that is in my control to become an effective teacher, then I will strive to do just that. Sign in Recent Site Activity Report Abuse Print Page Powered By Google Sites. Tara M. Hill's Teaching Portfolio. Search this site. About Me. Content Knowledge. Pedagogical Knowledge. Impact on Student Learning. Leadership and Collaboration. pdf Dodson, D. April 20, Teaching Reading Fluency.
The first is to compare the level of motivation among secondary school teachers under the Vancouver British Columbia School District in Canada by their socio-demographic and organizational factors. My hypothesis in advance of investigating this is that there are indeed demographic factors that will have a significant effect on overall levels of motivation, although I do not yet know what these may be and I am prepared as any good researcher must be to find that my initial ideas are wrong. For example, I believe that I will find that female teachers are, on the whole, more motivated than male teachers because it is still the case that women have fewer career paths…. References Adams JS. Advanced Experiments in Social Psychology, Vol 62 pp. And Jose S , Emotional intelligence of B.
Opening up to students is very important for teachers. While it is obviously not appropriate for a teacher to confide intimate personal details to the class, or gossip about others to try to be more accepted, there are ways that a teacher can seem more 'real' to the students. For example, crying over something very sad or letting the students know when the teacher is getting angry with their misbehavior goes a long way toward having younger students see teachers as real people. These same kinds of things - made age-appropriate of course - can work well for adult learners, as well. Many individuals who are a bit older also have trouble connecting with their instructors, because they are uncertain about what is wanted from them, and they may have trouble learning everything that they need to know in the way that it is presented to them.
The way that…. A group approach is considered beneficial as teachers "need to rethink their traditional teaching roles and expand their repertoire of teaching skills to include techniques that help students enhance their comprehension" and students who receive individual attention may not retain it as effectively as in a group environment Anderson It is perhaps significant to note that teaching children of special needs in a classroom with regular students is not easy, but "involving a behaviorally or academically challenged child in regular classroom activities can be a source of frustration" Hedge But this does not mean it cannot be rewarding or beneficial to all who are involved, including the regular students in the class if a teacher is properly prepared and able to address the differences….
Works Cited Alleman, Janet, Barbara Knighton, and Jere Brophy. Anderson, Diane. Graham, Steve, and Karen R. Hoover, John J. An appropriate dance for a small, rural classroom in the Midwest during Christmas would not necessarily be appropriate in a multiethnic and multilingual large urban school, or at very least modifications might need to be made in the lesson plan. Using the teacher's body as a presentation technique, and observing dances are some of the helpful suggestions offered by the book. Also, using the children's own innate sense of movement is another helpful suggestion.
If a child can run, hop, jump and skip, the child can dance! Especially for the lower grades, such as kindergarten to 2nd grade, using fun tactile things like streamers and balloons, dancing in a playground, pretending to be clouds, rain, and waves are ways to use this age group's fluid imaginative capacity. Imagining being at a circus, using percussion instruments like people did in the past to provide rhythm for dance might seem like 'obvious'…. Teaching Children Dance. New York: Human Kinesthetics. Teaching Ethics In the realm of psychology and education, moral education is continuing to be more and more an accepted subject. Several people in the U. inclusive of educators involved with education for democratic citizenship are underlining for effectual moral education of the youth because of an overall moral crisis confronting these youths.
People are clamoring for announcing a moral crisis in our nation in the wake of media coverage of growing youth offences and other problems concerning teens. Although not all of these social issues have moral characteristics, and the majority has intricate origins, and an increasing drift is being witnessed correlating the answers to these and associated social issues to the imparting of moral and social values in our public schools. ut, deliberations of the part that schools are capable of playing and ought to play in the moral development of youth are now embroiled in a debate.
Bibliography Smetana, J. Morality in context: Abstractions, Applications, and Ambiguities. Vasta Ed. Annals of Child Development, Volume. Emotional Intelligence. New York: Bantam Books, Teaching eading in the Content Areas eading of content area is observed to provide some gratifying instances and also capable of creating critical circumstances. Due emphasis is being laid on reading in the sphere of evaluation of the developed contents at state and federal levels. The teachers seem to come across varied theories and instructional approaches while attempting to include the content area matters in their teachings.
All the numerous approaches that the teachers come across on their path of through reading and writing are not found to be consistent to be adopted for content teaching. Out of them only the approaches constructed on the strength of strong foundations of researches and capable of catering to the high standards demanded by the classroom instruction need to be followed. Simply assisting the children for recognition and grouping of letters forming words is not enough in the teachings of reading. Simply assisting…. References McKenna, Michael C; Robinson, Richard D. November, "Teaching through Text; Reading and Writing in the Content Areas" Pearson Education Moore, David; et. D; Stoodt, B. B; Burns, P. Teaching Besides nursing, teaching is perhaps one of the most noble and worthy professions a person might choose.
Indeed, those who have a particular love for people and children tend to choose this profession. For this reason, a particular kind of love for a very specific demographic of children is necessary to be attracted to the special education classroom. Those who choose to enter this field of teaching will not only need to be aware of the specific reasons why they chose this profession, but also the challenges involved and the skills needed to handle these challenges. My main reason for choosing to work in a special education classroom, for example, is that I care deeply not only about education today, but specifically about providing an effective education for those with special needs.
The reason for this is that, by providing such an education, we open up the lives of…. Education K and the Shortage of Teachers 1. Introduction: Policy Problem In South Carolina State, the share of educators quitting their posts per annum 6, in number, in the year is much higher as compared to that of teacher-program graduates available to occupy those vacant posts 1,, for the year From to , a thirty-five percent drop was witnessed in teacher education enrollment, to , from , In this paper, the State of South Carolina will be…. References Brown, E. Ratification of the Twenty-First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States: State convention records and laws. The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd. Burnham, W. Introduction to the law and legal system of the United States.
West Academic Publishing. Daniel, L. South Carolina education deans collaborate to tackle teacher shortage. College of Education, University of South Caroline. php on 26 April Dee, T. Understanding and Addressing Teacher Shortages in the United States. The Hamilton Project, Brookings. Elazar, D. American Federalism: A View from the States, 2nd ed. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company. Espinoza, A Providence schools face a shortage of teachers for English language learners. Divided government in the American states: a byproduct of legislative professionalism?.
American Political Science Review, 88 2 , Hedge, D. Governance and the changing American states. Attainment of the Achievement Goal I currently teach Business-related courses at Downingtown HS East Campus, which has experienced an overall high performance of students over the last few years. The Business-related courses that I teach are designed students prepare to compete in competitions like mock trial, DECA, and other business topic competitions. While most of my students have demonstrated significant interest in pursuing a career in the field of business, they have challenges in reading.
Due to reading challenges, the biggest problem in my class is that most of the students who take these courses are lower level or average students and struggle with higher level thinking and development of their idea. The desired change in this area is for students to demonstrate higher level creative thinking and be able to develop their own ideas. This paper discusses strategies that I could use in my classroom to help in the…. References California Department of Education Publication. Interventions in English Language Arts.
aspx Cox, J. Teaching Strategies that Enhance Higher-Order Thinking. Why Use Graphic Organizers in the Classroom? Best Practice Strategies for Effective Use of Questions as a Teaching Tool. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 77 7. Styles and Strategies for Helping Struggling Learners Overcome Common Learning Difficulties. Teaching What are three rewards and three challenges that you will face as a teacher? As a rabid student of popular culture, I have been interested in the so-called "achievement gap" in education, popularized in the media, the political spectrum, and even within contemporary business culture.
There is clearly a demonstrable gap in educational relevancy; second, there are basic skills that are absolutely vital in order to participate in the modern global village that are not universal with the U.. educational environment. cholarship also points out that the earlier the attention to this "gap," the earlier the attention to potential reading disabilities, and the earlier the intervention towards socialization issues, the higher rate of success and inclusion. This, too, engenders challenges within the profession. For instance, today's classrooms are more diverse than ever, they are multi-dimensional as well. To help fill the gap, teachers need to be able to jump…. Source: Kauchak, D. And Eggen, P. Introduction to Teaching, Becoming a Professional, 4th Edition.
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc. Instructors should fully explain the "purpose" behind the assignment, and should ask themselves before assigning it: a am I offering "any autonomy over how and when to do this work? Teachers, students and others in the classroom community are inspired when there is a larger cause for everyone to focus on. For example, by teaching to students' strengths their interest in wildlife , have the students write and illustrate reports on the loss of wildlife habitat in their county -- by going out into the natural world with a biologist who can point out the ways urban sprawl, pollution, and over-grazing has done damage to the ecosystems and hence taken away habitat for birds, coyotes, deer and rabbits.
Students use the concepts of autonomy, mastery, and purpose…. Works Cited Life Long Learners. Dan Pink Recommends a 'FedEx day' for Students and Teachers. Pink, Dan. Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us. New York: Riverhead Books. As a result they are often excluded from the mainstream and from being productive members of society. I feel that it is not only ethically and morally important to help these individuals but that it also makes economic and social sense to assist those who are disadvantaged to receive a better education and advance their potential in life. I also believe that we should be careful to consider the fact that adult education is an area that requires a very different approach and involves different modes of understanding, as well as the use of appropriate techniques, when dealing with the various categories of disadvantaged adult.
For example, in terms of those adults who are disadvantaged with regard to education backlogs, one has to realize that they often face a number of unique and specific problems; such as the fact that many will have families, children and work commitments, which make…. References Moore, M. Distance Education: A System's View. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. Motivating Disadvantaged Adult Learners. Incidental teaching. Retrieved July 5, from Incidental Teaching. As I began to realize that I was expecting less than they were capable of I realized that some of my preconceived notions about the teaching profession were coloring my viewpoint.
One example was the day a preschool student from the regular education class came to me and handed me a book that she wanted to read to me. I was surprised but let her open the book and begin reading. It reminded me not to assume the level of ability of any student as each student is an individual and develops at individual rates. In observing the classrooms I found that problems can be dealt with by remaining flexible and keeping an open mind Safer, An example of this philosophy occurred when an autistic preschool student was included in the inclusion setting.
The teacher made…. MIDWOOD; LB SAFER, STEFFEN REDLEAF PRESS. WOMG, HARRY K. FIRST DAYS of SCHOOL: HOW to BE an EFFECTIVE TEACHER. HARRY K. PELLETIER, CAROL MARRA Teaching Philosophy Teaching is one of the most important, although also the most underrated, professions in the world. Teachers today prepare young people not only for their next level of schooling, but also for tertiary education and ultimately to become gainfully employed and contributing citizens themselves. The problem is that there are so many varying levels of education today, ranging from the extremely poor to the extremely excellent.
One factor that plays a major role in how well teachers are able to present materials in the classroom is the education they receive themselves. Although the quality of teacher education depends on several factors, one major argument revolves around whether they should be exposed to unproven theory or not. On the one hand, the argument may be that exposing them to unproven theory may only detract from the central purpose of their education, which is to provide them with the tools…. References Chye, T. Learning to Teach, Teaching to Learn: A handbook for NUS teachers. htm The Critical Thinking Community The Role of Questions in Teaching, Thinking and Learning.
Quality Indicators for Teacher Education. pdf Porter-Magee, K. Common Core v. The false promise of leveled literacy programs. Common Core Watch. ardhaugh indicates that there is a problematic need in the field to reverse expectations about the capacity of this approach to instruct in practicable and usable linguistic ability. The author takes exception with traditionalist ideas the argue "the single paramount fact about language learning is that it concerns, not problem solving, but the formation and performance of habits. Particularly, the impact levied by culture, by regional dialect, by accent, by generational difference, by distinctions between formal, informal or slang usage and by a host of other even less tangible effectors cannot be introduced simply through the use of habit-forming drills or other techniques which rely singularly on rote practice.
Works Cited: Booth, N. English as a Second Language ESL learning communities: An approach to retaining ESL students in a community college. Rutgers the State University of New Jersey. Burdett, B. Foreign language teaching- A Review of current problems. Retrieved from EBSCOhost. Celce-Murcia, M. Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language. Flood, J. Handbook of Research on Teaching the English Language Arts. Psychology Press. Teaching Diversity in the Classroom In recent decades it has become increasingly important that educators understand the importance of multicultural education. Given that society has become more pluralistic and diverse, there is a need for a curriculum that focuses on diversity.
This research proposal recognizes that diversity can and should be taught, and proposes a methodology for doing so. This project reviews the literature on teaching diversity. Achieving diversity in higher education involves a wide range of approaches. Teaching diversity includes the need to recruit and maintain a diverse student body, as well as faculty, and to provide instruction to a diverse group of students, provide an inclusive curriculum that reflects the contributions of non-Western and minority groups, and to teach so as to critically examine the humanities and the professions from perspectives of groups that have been marginalized.
The Center for Instructional Diversity in Research divides strategies for diversity…. Bibliography Banks, J. Diversity within unity: Essential principles for teaching and learning in a multicultural society. The Phi Delta Kappan, 83 3 , , Inclusive teaching. University of Washington. html Center for Teaching. Vanderbilt University. Tools for teaching. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. The loss is experienced because whatever is learned in an adult learning session is not practiced at the workplaces. This problem is indicative of the dire need for combining knowledge with current practical work. The internships of doctors and people doing Ph. The variations in practical applications and formal learning make it necessary that lifetime learners find out fresh strategies to tackle these variations.
These variations comprise of the high work requirements that make the job training mandatory, unavoidable variation in an occupation, tech-literacy and the disparity created between the skilled and…. References Detterman, D. Transfer on trial: Intelligence, cognition, and instruction. Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishing,. Fischer, G. Supporting learning on demand with design environments. International Conference on the Learning Sciences, pp. Making learning a part of life-beyond the 'gift-wrapping' approach of technology. Kammler Eds. Donat Verlag, Bremen, pp. Gardner, H. The unschooled mind, New York: Basic Books. The teacher must use effective discipline to ensure students do not interrupt one another, know to raise their hands, not get out of their seats during class, or engage in disturbing activities.
This is disrespectful to the learning of others as well as simply against the rules. Drawing up a list of rules to obey for the students is one way to help students understand how the U. Constitution, for example, was negotiated and formulated. Student assignments will include everything from pretending to be various historical characters in costume, to doing Internet research to understand what are reliable and unreliable sources, as well as more standardized essays and tests to prepare them to meet nationalized testing standards. Field trips will reinforce many of class lessons. To encourage student confidence without relaxing curriculum standards, teachers should assign a variety of projects in a variety of media. Some students are natural talkers….
Teaching disadvantaged adults could be one of the biggest challenges that an educator could face. Adults are already set in their ways. Their brains have already developed to the point where very little will be reshaped and habits are already set in. Not only can this pose difficulty when trying to teach something new to adults, it becomes an even harder task when trying to teach something novel to disadvantaged adults. Situational factors such as poverty, lack of complete grasp of the English language, and cultural factors could come into play and both negatively and positively affect their ability to learn and be taught Kerka, A key concept in teaching disadvantaged adults is in the methods and materials chosen to appropriately affect their learning.
An educator needs to make sure that these things are appropriate to an adult given their disadvantaged situation and that whatever method is chosen will…. References: Kerka, S. Teaching adults: Is it different? Educational Resources Information Center. Kozma R. Reaching the most disadvatanged with ICT: What works? Education and Training Policy ICT and Learning. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Chapter 5: Lyn, T. Further education colleges and educationally disadvantaged adults.
Scottish Educational Review. This is the essence of Knowles' self-directed learning. Question The last sentence of Stephen Brookfield's Chapter on "Adult Learning: An Overview" states "To understand adult learning we need to know it's connections of learning in childhood and adolescence and to the formation during these periods of interpretive filters, cognitive frames and cultural values. One possible way of reconciling the difference between Brookfield and Knowles is to propose a stage theory of learning that shows progression from childhood to adolescence to adulthood, incorporating different theorist's ideas about the relationship between learner and teacher at different developmental, emotional, and experiential stages. Stage 1: Childhood. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Cullen, R. Teacher talk and the classroom context. Dörnyei, Z. Motivational strategies in the language classroom. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Gibbons, M. The self-directed learning handbook. San Francisco, Calif. Legge, K. and Harari, P. Psychology and education. Oxford: Heinemann. Wiseman, A. and Anderson, E. Annual review of comparative and international education This entry was posted by Cristian Dorsey in Essay Samples and tagged. Find out the price. Type of paper Essay any type. Academic level Undergraduate years Deadline 5 days. Pages words. Approximate price:. Continue to Order. Spend Less Time on Research! Place Free Inquiry.
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